Bar Admissions
- District of Columbia
- Virginia
- California, Alaska (inactive)
- US Supreme Court
- US Court of Appeals, 4th Circuit, 9th Circuit
Honors & Affiliations
- American Immigration Lawyers Association
- Helicopter Association International (General Counsel --- 2002)
- Bethany College (West Virginia) - BA
- California Western School of Law - JD
- London School of Economics, London University - Masters, Air & Space Law
Steffanie Jones Lewis
Senior Attorney
Immigration, Aviation Regulation
E-mail: slewis @
Steffanie is IBLF's primary immigration attorney, having specialized in the field for
more than 10 years, filing both family-based and labor-based petitions, appearing in
Immigration Court for Baltimore, Washington, Norfolk and New York on behalf of clients,
as well as filing dozens of legal appeals to the Board of Immigration Appeals, the US
District Courts and Courts of Appeal, and the US Supreme Court. She is an active member
of both the District of Columbia and Virginia Bars, and has represented numerous Pro Bono
clients as well.
Special Expertise: Ms. Lewis has extensive experience in Asylum Litigation, Appeal and Mandamus Litigation, as well as as various
aspects of regulatory law. She is acting General Counsel for a start-up airline, using her
aviation and policy background, and establishing management practices for compliance with
the requirements of the commercial aviation industry.
In her earlier life, Steffanie was trained as a teacher and spent several years in that profession
in Connecticut, Washington state, and on the Aleutian Chain in Alasksa. With her then
husband, she founded and developed a commecial air taxi business out of Cordova Alaska, using both fixed wing and
helicopter aircraft, operating on water, land and snow, serving
the commercial fishing industry and the various transportation needs of government and private
interests in Alaska. Following law school, she purchased a salmon seining license and successfully
ran a commercial fishing boat as the owner operator for several years prior to the Exxon Valdez disaster,
while studying and receiving her Masters of Law in the area of Air and Space Law from the London
School of Economics and London University system.